Your monthly dose of innovation, leadership, and public policy by one of our own professors and researchers: listen to insightful conversations and talks about deep research into a range of management and agile government topics, leaving you with thought-provoking ideas to ponder and discover. Presented by the MBRSG faculty.
"The Nexus of Crisis Management and Public Policy" by Dr. Immanuel Azaad Moonesar
كلية محمد بن راشد للإدارة الحكومية MBRSG.AE
To proactively respond to crises, organisations must be forward looking, display creativity and innovative focus, as well as plan ahead using appropriate policymaking.
Dr. Immanuel Azaad Moonesar, Associate Professor of Health Policy at MBRSG, discusses multiple ways governmental entities can adopt to manage crises ideally and proactively, explaining "The Nexus of Crisis Management and Public Policy".